You are invited to attend this free webinar Wednesday, December 7th at noon, EDT.
Presented by Mario Bordogna and Kurt Miller, Clark Hill
The new year will see a new Administration. Will the new Administration continue the aggressive regulation in this of labor and employment law? Recent developments, including the National Labor Relations Board’s interpretation of the “joint employer relationship,” employer’s personnel policies and micro units. These developments affect how employers organize and manage their workforce. The Department of Labor’s (DOL) “white collar” overtime exemptions are now effective and may affect the number of employees who qualify for this exemption. The DOL has also announced that it will target its audits regarding misclassification of employees especially independent contractor relationships. The Equal Employment Relations Commission is also targeting several areas regarding lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transvestite rights; job qualification standards; and wellness plans. Finally, the United States Supreme Court will address a number of significant employment cases in 2017. This webinar will address these issues and discuss our recommendation on how to prepare for this onslaught of regulations.