Reform Insights from BCBSM
The status of repeal and replace efforts remains uncertain. An amended version of the Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 was released on July 13. At this time, several Republican senators have publicly expressed their opposition to the amended version, leaving Senate leadership short of the 50 votes necessary to begin debate on the Senate floor. An additional proposal has been raised to first repeal the Affordable Care Act and subsequently work out details on a replacement plan, but several Republican senators have expressed opposition to that plan as well.
We’ll continue to monitor events and activities about health care reform and keep you informed of important developments.
The information in this document is not intended to impart legal advice upon which you may rely. Rather, it is intended as an educational tool only and does not replace a more rigorous review of changes to the law or consultation with your own legal counsel. The federal government will continue to issue guidance on how any changes to national health reform should be interpreted and applied. The impact of these reforms on individual situations may vary.