Michigan Liquor Control Commission FAQs
The Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) has been doing a knock-out job, under the direction of Chairman Andy Deloney, in getting more information on its website and making the licensing and regulatory process for businesses more efficient and clear, which was much needed.
Please see below for some information the MLCC has posted to help answer some questions regarding beer, wine, and mixed spirits taxes. We have had some questions coming in on these, so we wanted to share with all our readers.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our government relations team at: (888) 277-6464 or BBochniak@michbusiness.org
Beer, Wine and Mixed Spirit Drink Taxes FAQs
Who pays the Beer/Wine/Mixed Spirit Drink taxes to the Liquor Control Commission (LCC)?
Wholesale Licensees
Direct Shipper Licensees
Brewer, Micro Brewer, Brewpub Licensees
Wine Maker, Small Wine Maker Licensees
Mixed Spirit Drink Manufacturer Licensees
The tax reporting and payment system for Brewpub Licensees is not being changed.
The tax reporting and payment system for Direct Shipper Licensees is not being changed.
What event creates the need to pay Beer/Wine/Mixed Spirit Drink taxes to the LCC?
The taxpaying licensees must pay taxes based on their sales of Beer/Wine/Mixed Spirit Drink products.
When do the taxpaying licensees have to pay their Beer/Wine/Mixed Spirit Drink taxes?
The monthly tax reports and tax payments must be postmarked by the 15th of the following month. For example, the February 2015 monthly tax reports and payments must be postmarked by March 15, 2015.
Can the taxpaying licensee submit tax reports and payments electronically?
No. The tax reports and payments must be sent by U.S. Mail.
What if a Wholesale Licensee distributes Beer, Wine, and Mixed Spirit Drink products?
The Wholesale Licensee must submit separate tax reports and separate payments for Beer, Wine, and Mixed Spirit Drink products sold each month.
What if a Wholesale Licensee doesn’t distribute all three products (Beer, Wine, and Mixed Spirit Drinks)?
The Wholesale Licensee must submit one tax report for each of the three types of products at the beginning of each calendar year. The Wholesale Licensee should report either the months sales (if any) for each type of product or include a statement that says the Wholesale Licensee does not distribute that type of product. Then for the remainder of the calendar year the Wholesale Licensee only needs to submit tax reports and tax payments for those types of products that they distribute. It will be the responsibility of the Wholesale Licensee to notify the LCC of any changes in the types of products that they distribute. For example, a Wholesale Licensee who only distributes Beer and Wine will submit all three tax reports for January and then just submit Beer and Wine reports for the other eleven months of the year.
What are the Wholesale Licensee reporting requirements?
The Wholesale Licensee must submit monthly tax reports, tax payments, and sales invoices (or computer reports that contain all of the same information as the sales invoices) to support the tax reports. Also, the Wholesale Licensee must submit their Beer, Wine, and Mixed Spirit Drink purchase invoices each month (or a computer report that contains all of the same information as the purchase invoices). All reports, tax payments and invoices should be postmarked by the 15th of the following month.
Source: MLCC website: http://www.michigan.go/lara/0,4601,7-154-35299_10570-347566–,00.html