Hubbard Hubbard2016-12-15 16:22:482017-03-01 15:34:32The Year in Review: 2016
How to avoid becoming regulatory prey.
Join us for an inside look at what your competitors are doing and NOT doing to avoid becoming the “low hanging fruit” for auditors, regulators and other potential predators including the IRS, the Department of Labor, etc. We will also conduct an interactive discussion on how to protect yourself in a world of heightened regulatory scrutiny. Presented by Ursula Scroggs, Managing Director, DKSS CPAs + Advisors
Immediately Following Orientation
However, you need not attend orientation to join us for this informative workshop.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016 10:30 am – Noon
MichBusiness Office.
REGISTER NOW! (click above)
Join us for a warm summer evening in one of the hottest spots of the city, Blackfinn Ameripub in downtown Royal Oak is the destination from 5-7 pm on Thursday, August 25. Connect with friends, and make new ones. We’ll meet in the Pearl Room where there will be a cash bar and complimentary appetizers. Bring plenty of business cards and plan to have some fun, (it’s happy hour) but register first so we know you’re coming! Hubbard Hubbard2016-07-26 13:32:272016-08-04 15:46:13Connect@Five at Blackfinn in Royal Oak
Thanks for attending the 2016 Health, Benefits, and Compliance Conference, Tuesday, September 13 at the Vistatech Center in Livonia.
Attendees received details on new Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan products, such as private exchanges for small employers, technology trends in healthcare, understanding of the new overtime requirements and a quick employer compliance update. Attendees also learned from other small businesses implementing creative perks to keep employees healthy and happy.
Please join us Wednesday, June 29, 2016 for a Best and Brightest Webinar on Wellness presented by health and wellness expert Cassie Sobelton founder of SynBella. Learn about the importance of corporate wellness and how you can implement healthier practices into your personal and professional life to achieve balance. Cassie founded SynBella by melding her unique background of business, government, public outreach, traditional healthcare and holistic wellness. Register now for this refreshing look at wellness. Submitted for one hour SHRM and HRCI recertification credit.
West Michigan Connect Event
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
7:30 am – 9:30 am
DFCU Celebration Branch
2058 Celebration Dr NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Calling all West Michigan MichBusiness members and friends! Bring your business cards and meet other west Michigan companies at our August 10 Connect @ Breakfast event. Thanks to DFCU for hosting the networking breakfast. Registration is requested by clicking above. Hubbard Hubbard2016-05-23 14:40:202016-07-27 12:19:01Connect@Breakfast – August 10, 2016
Are You Building a Valuable Business? Bonus MichBusiness Workshop Immediately following the MichBusiness Orientation
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
MBPA Offices
Orientation 8:45 – 10:15 am
Workshop 10:30 – Noon PRESENTERS:
Dr. Kathryn Baker, Owner, AdviCoach of Michigan
Emily Bauman, Advisor, AdviCoach of Michigan
You’ve built or are building a business to reach your dreams and help others. What emphasis have you put into building EQUITY? How will the legacy you built be carried on beyond you? Equity should always be one of your top priorities. This session will provide everything you need to know about increasing the value of your company so that you have options in the future.
Using an online assessment tool taken prior to the workshop, you’ll be able to benchmark your company with other companies like yours. In less than 15 minutes you can get your Value Builder Score and at the workshop, will receive a full 26-page report to help identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Your Value Builder Score will tell you where you are now and increasing the score will be the focus of the workshop and will include tangible steps you can take for success. This is not just about selling or transferring your business. Owners who are creating and growing sellable businesses are also the owners who are out of the ‘owners trap’. No matter where you are in the life of your business….you won’t want to miss this informative session!
This 90 minute workshop will be offered immediately following MichBusiness Orientation. The presenters, Kathryn Baker and Emily Bauman, are Certified Value Builders from AdviCoach.
To register for the workshop – click the link above.
For more information about orientation – click here.
is a Signature Champion of MichBusiness. Hubbard Hubbard2016-05-10 15:46:372016-05-11 10:55:39Bonus Workshop: Are you building a valuable business?
Developing World Class Leaders:
The Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Free Webinar – Register Online
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Noon – 1 pm EDT
Presenter: Rick Tiemann, President, The Executive Group
A great building begins with a solid foundation and the foundation of any great organization is its leaders. This program will guide attendees through the process of creating a strong leadership development program. They will learn the key fundamental components of a successful leadership program and be provided with tools and resources, including developmental initiatives and exercises, to create successful leaders. Attendees will also learn how to identify potential leaders to keep the leadership pipeline full and insure an effective succession plan. By offering techniques for understanding how behavior and competencies link together, the program demonstrates how the implementation of a leadership competency model can drive strategic intent that aligns with an organization’s mission and vision.
Understand how leadership impacts strategic intent.
Learn why most leadership programs don’t produce desired results.
Identify key fundamental components of a successful leadership program.
Learn how to measure critical thinking and emotional intelligence.
Understand how competencies link to leadership.
Learn how to create developmental initiatives and exercises. Hubbard Hubbard2016-03-18 16:24:252016-03-22 21:15:56Explore Webinar: Developing World Class Leaders
Do you have somewhere to turn when faced with a difficult business situation?
Now you don’t have to face it alone. Check out our new Thrive Affinity Groups.
Help your business thrive by joining one the new affinity groups now offered by MichBusiness and powered by MBPA. The new Thrive Affinity Groups will provide MichBusiness members with a unique and affordable opportunity to meet with peers in a confidential forum moderated by an industry professional. The groups will consist of 10-15 members who meet monthly to compare best practices and find solutions to issues.
Thrive Affinity Group members will develop a circle of trust, where problems and experiences can be openly discussed. Different than networking groups, the meetings will provide no leads and sales between members will be discouraged. Competitors and vendors are excluded.
Meetings begin in January at various locations in SE Michigan. Groups are designed around organizational roles, industry, and family business. Call to find a group that’s right for you. Make plans to be a guest at a future meeting.
Executives in Small Business
This group will be comprised of those in a leadership role in small organizations; in most cases this will be the owner. Discussion topics may include business growth, revenue generation, access to capital, or selling the company.
Accounting Office
Business managers, controllers, and accounting office professionals from private Michigan companies will meet monthly to discuss taxes, budgeting, staffing and other concerns.
Food Industry Professionals
Distributors, manufacturers, growers, suppliers and restaurant owners meet to share tips on recruiting and retention of employees and discuss legislation affecting the industry as well as other business issues.
Human Resource Professionals
HR Directors and HR Professionals attend these sessions to share solutions and resources. This group is not open to HR consultants or service providers; members must be employed as HR staff for companies not in the business of providing HR services.
Professional Service Providers
Members are business owners and business development professionals meeting monthly to explore sales strategies, lead generation, and goal setting, in addition to problem solving and accountability.
Women in Business
Women holding leadership positions in larger organizations will meet to discuss opportunities, goals, barriers to success, pay equity and other relevant topics.
Next Generation in a Family Business
Those poised to be next in line to lead a family business or small enterprise discuss legal and personal issues in succession planning. Members are peers who hash out the problems of dealing with the leading generation as they develop leadership skills in preparation for their next role.
Females in a Family Business
Wives, daughters, aunts, sisters and mothers in a family business are invited to attend as women who own, are partners in, or work for family businesses.
Executives in a Family Business
This group are baby-boomers running family businesses and thinking about retirement. Whether that is in five years or 25 years, whether or not you have a son or daughter to follow you, you need to have a succession plan. A succession plan is not one thing, it’s many things – emotional, financial, legal and more. Meet with your peers to discuss these issues in a confidential setting.
Sponsored by:
Thrive Affinity Group meetings are open to members only and visitors may attend as a guest before joining. Thrive Affinity Group Membership is $385 per year.
Call Jan Hubbard at 586-393-4382 for more details. Marabate Marabate2016-01-11 12:55:572016-01-11 12:56:45Thrive Affinity Groups