MBPA Health Care Reform Conference Features Experts from HHS, IRS and SBA
Oct. 1, 2013 – More than 200 people gathered Sept. 24 at the MBPA Health Care Reform Conference in Troy to learn more about the operational impact of the ACA on their business and employees, hear from experts and ask questions about various aspects of the law.
The conference opened with a session focusing on the operational effects of the ACA on businesses, featuring remarks by Kristi Gauthier, senior attorney at Clark Hill, and Don McAnelly, CPA and Principal in Charge at Rehmann’s Saginaw office.
A highlight of the conference was the session featuring Todd Stankewicz, a representative from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services; Gerald L. Moore, District Director, U.S. Small Business Administration’s Michigan Office; and Nichelle D. Gray, Tax Specialist and Stakeholder Liaison from the Internal Revenue Service.
Stankewicz provided an overview of the health care Marketplace, which goes into effect Oct. 1, 2013. Noting that the Marketplace is set up to allow for direct comparison between plans, Stankewicz said it should make shopping for health care coverage easier for people. Open enrollment through the Marketplace begins Oct. 1, 2013 and continues through March 31, 2014.
In Michigan, Stankewicz said, there are four navigator organizations to help consumers understand new health insurance options available through the Marketplace and can help them select a health plan. In Michigan, the ACA navigators are: Michigan Consumers for Healthcare, Community Bridges Management, the Arab Community Center for Economic & Social Services, and American Indian Health and Family Services of Southeastern Michigan.
Navigators will help consumers prepare electronic and paper applications to establish eligibility and enroll in coverage through the Marketplace, which will be available at
HealthCare.gov and CuidadoDeSalud.gov starting on October 1.
Additional assistance is available through Certified Application Counselors (CAC), said Stankewicz. A Certified Application Counselor may be a community health center or other health care provider, hospital, a non-federal governmental or nonprofit social service agency in a state with a Federally-facilitated Marketplace or a State Partnership Marketplace, which assists people applying for coverage through the Marketplace. Both Navigators and CACs go through training before assuming these roles.
He also noted that there is a toll-free call center to answer Marketplace questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The number is 1-800-318-2596. People can also connect via Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/HealthCare.gov or Twitter: @HealthCareGov.
Professionals who want to learn about the Marketplace and helping people apply can visit http://marketplace.cms.gov/.
SBA District Director Moore noted that his agency is hearing from many business owners who do not understand the ACA. To help provide information to small businesses, the SBA has been hosting educational sessions. He encouraged small business owners in the audience to learn whether they are eligible for the ACA tax credits and if they are, to use them. He also said that 4 percent or less of small businesses are affected by the shared responsibility portion of the bill.
Nichelle Gray from the IRS, who participated in the session by phone, also touched on the tax credits and other tax aspects of the ACA.
All three presenters fielded a number of questions from the audience, ranging from employee coverage for businesses with fewer than 50 FTEs, to coverage for the self-employed and how the expansion of Medicaid in Michigan may impact their employees.
The conference wrapped up with a Town Hall style meeting where attendees could ask questions from experts representing Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Clark Hill, Rehmann, State of Michigan and BASIC. Carol Cain of the Detroit Free Press and CBS 62 moderated the Town Hall.
Sponsors of the conference were: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Clark Hill, BASIC, Michigan Small Business Training and Development Center, and 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For.
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