719 Griswold Street, Suite 630
Detroit, MI 48226
You are invited to attend this free webinar Wednesday, December 7th at noon, EDT.
Presented by Mario Bordogna and Kurt Miller, Clark Hill
The new year will see a new Administration. Will the new Administration continue the aggressive regulation in this of labor and employment law? Recent developments, including the National Labor Relations Board’s interpretation of the “joint employer relationship,” employer’s personnel policies and micro units. These developments affect how employers organize and manage their workforce. The Department of Labor’s (DOL) “white collar” overtime exemptions are now effective and may affect the number of employees who qualify for this exemption. The DOL has also announced that it will target its audits regarding misclassification of employees especially independent contractor relationships. The Equal Employment Relations Commission is also targeting several areas regarding lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transvestite rights; job qualification standards; and wellness plans. Finally, the United States Supreme Court will address a number of significant employment cases in 2017. This webinar will address these issues and discuss our recommendation on how to prepare for this onslaught of regulations.
You are invited to attend this free webinar Thursday, November 17th at noon, EDT.
Presented by Paul Starkman, Clark Hill
More and more companies are using “big data,” people analytics, and predictive algorithmic tools to make hiring and employment decisions. What are these tools and how are they being used by businesses? What are the legal risks in using big data to hire, fire, and manage your workforce?
You are invited to attend this free webinar Wednesday, October 12, 2016, at noon, EDT.
Presented by Bill Moore and Brian Shekell, Clark Hill
The Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a number of new regulations that require employers’ attention. The “Improve Tracking of Workplace and Illness” regulations contain a number of requirements employers must meet. These include the creation (or revision) of employment policies, a prohibition on certain post-injury drug tests and the use of a new whistleblower complaint form. Additional proposed rules include Noise in Construction, Preventing Workplace Violence, Occupational Exposure to Styrene, Blood Lead Level for Medical Removal and Updating Requirements for the Selection, Fit Testing, and Use of Hearing Protection Devices. This webinar will discuss these and other developments.
You are invited to attend this free webinar Thursday, September 15 at noon, EDT.
Presented by Anne-Marie Welch, Clark Hill
Many companies are using tests in making hiring and promotion decisions. What are the legal challenges faced by a company that uses testing? How can an employer avoid lawsuits arising out of testing? This webinar will discuss the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures.
You are invited to attend this free webinar Wednesday, August 17 at noon, EDT.
Presented by Nancy L. Farnam, Clark Hill
ERISA requires private sector employers to provide a summary plan description (SPD) to employees participating in the employer’s welfare benefit plans. Many non-ERISA plans also find it beneficial to provide a SPD. Attendees will learn why compliance with the SPD requirements is important, the most important content and distribution requirements for welfare benefit plan SPDs, and practical tips for compliance.
You are invited to attend this free webinar Thursday, August 11 at noon, EDT, presented by Tom Gimbel, founder and CEO of LaSalle Network.
The economy is steadily improving, and the national quit rate is at its highest level since 2009….this means your employees, and some of your best employees, may be leaving or may be one foot out the door. So how do you retain talent beyond monetary incentives? It’s about creating a culture of engagement and investing in your staff. In this session, Tom Gimbel will discuss how to effectively attract, train and retain staff.
Find out more about the speaker at the link above. Then register here: https://cc.callinfo.com/r/1cxbpr608htbp&eom
Thanks for attending the 2016 Health, Benefits, and Compliance Conference, Tuesday, September 13 at the Vistatech Center in Livonia.
Attendees received details on new Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan products, such as private exchanges for small employers, technology trends in healthcare, understanding of the new overtime requirements and a quick employer compliance update. Attendees also learned from other small businesses implementing creative perks to keep employees healthy and happy.
These presentations are available to view:
This conference was in partnership with the health insurance agent community.
719 Griswold Street, Suite 630
Detroit, MI 48226