Tom Anderson
Director of Employee Engagement
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Tom is thrilled to continue his work and passion in the field of corporate Work Life. He works closely with the leadership and all departments at Doner to create an inclusive, energized, happy and healthy culture. He knows that if you innovate, engage and support all employees and programs that you will set a culture in motion that will allow all to thrive.
Before joining the Doner team, Tom was Chief Executive Officer of Danialle Karmanos’ Work It Out (a Michigan non-profit) and the President/Owner of HALE Culture, a consulting company with a comprehensive concierge-style approach to effective work life happiness and innovative culture. Tom has been in the corporate Wellness and Work Life industry for more than 30 years, and he has earned a reputation as a skilled, committed, and energetic professional. He held the position of Director of Wellness and Work Life for 14 years at Compuware Corporation where he and his team oversaw all the work life programs and culture initiatives for the company on a global level.
Tom is effective at motivating people of all ages to learn and practice the knowledge and information he shares. He has an extensive track record of conducting results-based workshops for corporations and individuals looking to improve health and employee engagement. He has developed a keen insight into the most effective current and future work life approaches. Assessing and innovating the culture of companies is what drives his work in the corporate space.
He also spent three years in Vevey and Lausanne Switzerland where he studied and worked until he made the decision to return home (Michigan) to begin his career.
Few people are as generous with their time as Tom. For that reason, he has held leadership roles or participated in a variety of community and philanthropic organizations including Aids Walk Detroit, Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure, Hospice of Michigan’s Race and Remember, American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure and Make-a-Wish of Michigan’s 300-Mile Bike Ride and a seat on the Executive Board of Directors with The Athletes with Disabilities Network and Danialle Karmanos’ Work It Out.
719 Griswold Street, Suite 630
Detroit, MI 48226